Have You Received Medical Treatment for Low Phosphate Levels After an Iron Injection?
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Injectafer® Has Been Linked To Severe Hypophosphatemia (HPP)
Injectafer® is an injectable iron complex used to treat iron deficiency anemia (IDA) in adult patients who cannot take iron supplements or had a poor response to them and adult patients with chronic kidney disease who are not receiving dialysis.
Clinical studies have indicated that Injectafer® increases the risk of severe Hypophosphatemia (HPP). HPP is a condition in which blood levels of phosphate become abnormally low. The manufacturer, American Regent, Inc., a subsidiary of Luitpold Pharmaceuticals, Inc., does not warn about the serious risk posed by Injectafer®, leaving patients and doctors unaware of the danger.
Researchers reported in 2016 that among patients injected with ferric carboxymaltose (FCM), the type of iron used in Injectafer®, the prevalence of HPP was 45.5% and the prevalence of severe HPP was 32% as compared to only 4% HPP and no severe HPP with another form of injectable iron supplement. Other studies have shown similar results, but so far, American Regent has failed to provide adequate warnings on Injectafer®, stating only that the injection may result in mild side effects like headaches, nausea, and “low levels of phosphorus in the blood.” These warnings do not reveal the potentially dangerous and even deadly risk of severe HPP.
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Injuries Associated with Injectafer® and Severe Hypophosphatemia (HPP)
- Rhabdomyolysis (muscle wasting)
- Muscle pain
- Respiratory failure
- Seizures
- Heart failure
- Acute hemolytic anemia (a condition in which red blood cells are destroyed too quickly)
- Bone pain and fractures
- Confusion
- Delirium
- Coma
- Heart arrhythmias (rhythm abnormalities)
- Death

Warning! Injectafer Linked With Severe Injuries
Recent research suggests that the injectable iron supplement Injectafer may cause severe hypophosphatemia (HPP), a dangerous and potentially deadly condition.
We are actively pursuing Injectafer and severe hypophosphatemia cases. If you or a loved one suffered an injury due to a defective iron deficiency anemia treatment like Injectafer, contact us immediately for a free case evaluation.